
Red tape, costs kill MinRes mine

Lengthening approvals processes and rapid cost escalation has forcedMineral Resources to shutter its iron ore operations, according to thecompany’s iron ore boss, rather than concerns about the outlook for thesteelmaking commodity.

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Economic storm clouds warrant a policy rethink

Too many aspects of economic policy, unfortunately, are heading in the wrong direction. The government should look at foundations set in the Hawke-Keating and Howard years and attend to basics, optimising conditions to encourage private sector investment, profit, employment, productivity gains and growth. Policies that limit the footprint of government by reducing regulation, holding down company tax and payroll tax at state levels, and giving employers and workers greater autonomy to negotiate work practices, pay and benefits to suit their industries would be a basis for reviving growth.

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Pipeline Review Puts Gas on Hold

A major gas expansion seen as vital for Australia’s southern states to avoid shortages in the next two years has been put on hold due to a tough regulatory clampdown, with the fresh supply shock landing just days after the Albanese government warned of shortfall risks this decade.

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